Caso de éxito en el Hospital Casaverde Mutxamel – E.R.G.

Muchas gracias E.R.G por sus bellas palabras. Todo el equipo del Hospital...

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Successful case in Casaverde Mutxamel – E.R.G.

Tell us your experience. My experience with the brain damage is very soft,...

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To my beloved patients

For 15 years I have been Occupation therapist and for 15 years I have not...

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A mis queridos pacientes

Hace ya 15 años que soy Terapeuta ocupacional y hace ya 15 años que no he...

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Travelling for older adults

The way in which older people travel has changed. We’re here to tell...

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proADDICT photography     TINO VALOURA  666317945    KANITO  666263899

The benefits of hydrotherapy for older adults

Hydrotherapy is a therapeutic technique in which water is the main...

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Yoga for older adults

Yoga is a highly recommended discipline for older adults. What is yoga?...

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Care homes for older people: What is day-to-day life like?

Residential care homes are specially designed and adapted for older adults...

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Visita al museo del agua de Alicante – Hospital Casaverde Mutxamel

Aprovechando la salida semanal que todos los viernes realizamos los...

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Visit to the Alicante water Museum – Mutxamel Casaverde Hospital

Leveraging the weekly ride that all Fridays we do in Casaverde Hospital...

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