Children’s disability requires actions in healthcare, educational and social field

administrador 7 de noviembre de 2016 0 Comentarios

A scientific conference, organised by Casaverde Foundation, analysed the needs of children with disabilities

Children’s disability and the new challenges that appear in the rehabilitation of the minors who suffer some disability were the centre of attention during the celebration of a scientific conference organised by Casaverde Foundation last 26th of October in Club Informacion. The event was part of the Acquired Brain Injury Week, which was full of activities organised by Casaverde in order to raise awareness about this disease.

The conference was destined to contemplate the needs that the kid with disability has, and also to coordinate the different healthcare action strategies that would be necessary to help this collective and its relatives.

In the meeting was exposed that children’s disability is a social reality that requires interventions in healthcare, educational and social field. Therefore, a meeting between professionals and relatives from different fields that can establish an action plan is necessary, including an appropriate healthcare coordination for the children with difficulties and their relatives.

In this sense, and to clarify diverse aspects that influence in this reality, the conference had the participation of different speakers that talked from diverse points of view. In this way, Paloma López Escribano, president of Apnea Association, talked in the name of the parents, about the special needs of the children with disability. For his part, the pedagogue and speech therapist Jorge Moliner, talked about «the big needs of the education system and possible solutions» with regard to deal affected kids.

In the medical field, the Casaverde Hospital’s neurologist, José Javier Hernández Martínez, focused his presentation to clarify «what is normal and what is not», insisting on when «to consult the specialist».

At the end of the conference, Gemma Sirvent Parra, neuropsychologist and director of the Casaverde Neurorehabilitation Clinic, talked about «rehabilitation in the kid with disability and his/her integration in the environment».

Once the conference finished, a cocktail was offered to the attendees while they had the opportunity to interchange their opinions about the debate.
