Casaverde Foundation collaborates in the formation of the Social Workers in “La Vega Baja”
The last 9 and 14 of June, Casaverde Foundation organized training sessions for the SOCIAL WORKERS. Eleven professionals from the Municipal Service of Dependency Attention (SMADs) from la Vega Baja participated in this Project. Under the title “Influence in the everyday activities of the main deficits related with the dependency”, volunteers from the Foundation exposed in a practical way their knowledge and experience in the dependent persons valuation.
In the first session Mrs. Elena Sánchez, occupational therapist from the “Casaverde de Mutxamel Neurologic Rehabilitation Hospital” and professor in the University Miguel Hernández de Elche, spoke about the Influence of the cognitive and motion deficits in the daily life activities with sections like: pathologies more common with cognitive and motion deficits, influence in the everyday activities and their own valuations.
Similarly, Itziar Moreno, Psychologist of the Casaverde de Almoradí Socio-sanitary center, exposed the part about the behavioral and emotional disorders and their influence in the everyday activities, remarking the most common pathologies which present this kind of disorders.
The second session was destined to the practical formation where the assistants could realize practical formation where with resident volunteers of the Casaverde Almoradí, Pilar de la Horadada and Guardamar centers.
Casaverde foundation thanks the participants their positive valuation of this initiative and the fact that they have expressed their interest in be part of a second meeting. Once the training session was over, the social workers receive an accrediting diploma from the Casaverde Foundation recognizing the effort and commitment dedicated in a few talks which have offered a multidisciplinary vision of the dependency valuation.
Similarly, the Casaverde Foundation reminded the assistants that the Promotion program of the Personal autonomy developed in partnership with the Ministry of Public Health and the Equality and inclusive politics office, is to their entire disposition. It is about a social project that has given cover support to more than 330 patients and relatives. It has a main purpose to potentiate the residual skills after the brain injury and prepare the patient and their relatives for their way back home with the maximum functionality and adaptation to his environment. The program counts with 100% free places, for more information, click here.